Gone are the days of having to choose between shaving or waxing; there’s a much more permanent hair removal option which is giving men and women hours of their lives back.
Laser hair reduction and removal is no new phenomenon, however, the advancements in technology and technique have come a long way over the last number of years.
The use of the latest medical grade, state-of-the-art equipment and tertiary educated Dermal Clinicians ensures clients in Geelong and on the Bellarine Peninsula are able to achieve results in a safe and comfortable environment. Vitality Laser & Skin founder and Dermal Clinician ANNETTE HARMAN answers some of the most commonly asked questions clients have when considering laser hair reduction.
1. How does it work?
The process involves using a primary principle called selective photothermolysis. This is when a wavelength penetrates a fluence into the hair follicles which then converts into heat and causes trauma to the area of the hair, along with the stem cells present. It works best during the anagen stage of the growth cycle, which is when the hair is attached to the blood supply. However, our hair growth is never all at the one stage which is why we require six treatments for most ideal outcomes. Laser light is safe for the skin as it uses non ionising radiation, meaning that it is very superficial and only targets what we are treating, making it a very safe method of hair reduction.
2. Does it hurt?
Personally, I find waxing is much more painful, laser feels like a little zap and then the pain dissipates quite rapidly.
3. Does it work for everyone?
At Vitality we can treat any dark hair on any Fitzpatrick skin type due to the two laser wavelengths that we can work with. The only hairs we cannot treat are light white or blonde hairs as there is no pigment in the hair which means there is no attraction for the laser to determine where it has to go.
4. How soon will I see results?
Most clients see around a 50 per cent reduction following the first session.
5. How many treatments will I need and are top-ups required?
Six treatments targeting the anagen stage of the growth cycle each time depending on the area every four to eight weeks apart. Top ups are required for dormant hair follicles which are stimulated by hormones and other factors. We recommend maintenance if required every 12 months.
6. Can it help with ingrown hairs?
Yes, the wavelength is attracted to the pigment of the hair, therefore, it treats the hairs underneath the skin that are not present on the surface. By reducing the growth of the hairs, ingrown hairs become non-existent.
7. What should I do before and after a treatment?
BEFORE: It’s important there is no fake tanning or sun tanning before a treatment as this acts as a chromophore the laser will pick up, making you more susceptible to adverse reactions. We recommend shaving the night before the treatment and no dry shaving as this creates micro cracks in the skin and can aggravate the area more.
AFTER: For home care post-treatment we recommend our post laser gel which keeps the area cool and prevents further aggravation of the area.
We give our clients post care forms stating no gym or excessive sweating as this will stimulate further inflammation, no sunbathing, swimming in chlorine pools or deodorant, as the skin will begin to go through the stages of wound healing. We do not want to disrupt any of these phases.
8. Do some lasers work better than others?
Class four medical grade lasers are the most powerful for treating laser hair due to the amount of power and energy the lasers exhaust throughout a treatment. For hair reduction the gold standard wavelength is the 755nm due to its high attraction of pigment within the hair follicle. At Vitality we have invested in the Cutera Excel HR which is TGA (Therapeutic Goods Australia) approved, meaning it meets all the regulations within Australia and it does what it claims to do. This laser uses both the 755nm wavelength and 1064nm wavelength, so it is suitable for all skin colours and ty
9. What is the difference between IPL and laser?
IPL and laser are very different treatments because IPL is a poly chromatic wavelength meaning it uses lots of different colours to make up on wavelength. When IPL hits the skin it scatters and goes to whatever chromophore it sees first, which will either be a pigmented lesion or a blood supply, a capillary or the hair follicle, it cannot determine what it is meant to go to making it less specific when treating for hair.
Laser is different to IPL as it is one coherent wavelength meaning it is one beam. This beam is only attracted to the pigment of the hair each time it pulses there is no scatter and it penetrates into the hair follicle causing the selective photothermolysis reaction, making it very specific in treating the hair and only the hair.
10. How much time should I allow for treatments?
The size of the area will determine how long the treatment will take but it is approximately:
Chin and lip – 15 minutes
Brazilian – half an hour
1/2 leg – half an hour
Underarms – 15 minutes
Full leg – 45 minutes
Full arm – 30 minutes
Back, chest and neck – 1 hour
11. Does it matter who does my laser hair removal?
In Victoria laser is not regulated meaning anyone can do a short laser safety course and start treating clients. At Vitality we pride ourselves the experts in laser with over 26 years in the field of cosmetic treatments including tertiary educated dermal clinicians performing all laser treatments. Our dermal clinicians have completed a bachelor degree in health science in dermal therapies, covering units devoted to laser safety, laser hair reduction including cosmetic and anti-ageing procedures.
12. When is the best time to have laser?
Winter is a great time to start as by the time summer arrives you will already be seeing results after a number of treatments. Enjoy your best summer yet without the stress of waxing and shaving.
If you have any further questions please contact us at Vitality Laser & Skin on 5250 1319.
To make a booking for laser hair removal in Geelong with one of our tertiary educated dermal clinicians to enjoy our award-winning five star service please book here. You can also check out our Winter Special laser packages here.